Jessie J’s ‘LaserLight’ (Featuring David Guetta)

Like every other major artists nowadays, David Guetta is preparing to release a few promotional singles in anticipation for his follow up to One Love, Nothing But The Beat out August 30th.

So far, his first two singles were utterly boring, Little Bad Girl being particularly bad and generic. Therefore, I have grown tired of his same-y production and lost a lot of faith in this album. But, with the first of the three teasers being the Sia assisted Titanium, he could be making up for some serious ground. (more…)

Permanentlink zu Skrillex @Columbiahalle Berlin (Review) auf

Willy von DressedLikeMachines hatte das Glück am 24. Februar diesen Jahres das Skrillex Konzert in Berlin besuchen zu dürfen. Und er hat seine Eindrücke danach mal zusammengefasst.

Mal abgesehen davon, dass Skrillex ganz klar ein Hammer ist sollte man Willy´s Blog durchaus ab und an mal anschauen.

Skrillex @ Columbiahalle Review by